Game Stats WebApp
Season Stats WebApp

StatsNOW Real Time Basketball Statistics
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StatsNOW for Basketball is a web application for recording and analyzing basketball statistics.

Courtside Stats Collection
StatsNOW is designed to record game stats right from court side. Using only a spotter and an operator, you can record every stat, including shot charts, for every player for both teams

Real-time Stats Reporting
StatsNOW provides real-time stats reporting, including box scores, shot charts and trend analysis charts. Customized stats reporting lets you immediate see key stats for every player while recording the game.

Season Stats Analysis
StatsNOW provides team and player season stats reports. Reports are "live" so you can simply tap on an item to see more detailed information.

Easy Access and Sharing
StatsNOW stores game stats in the "cloud" so that it can be accessed anywhere you have web access. You can also choose to share your stats with others, making it easy to collect and analyze stats for an entire league.

Web App Simplicity
StatsNOW runs as a web application so can be used on any device that supports a modern browser . You can record and analyze stats on a tablet, laptop or even a cell phone. The Game Stats module utilizes "program caching" so that you don't need internet access when recording games.

MaxPreps Export
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Game Stats

The Game Stats module is used to collect stats during a game and report real-time stats as the game progresses. It provides printable box scores, shot charts and a game trend analysis. The Game Stats module is free to use, but stores stats for three games. More about Game Stats
Start recording stats here:

Season Stats

The Season Stats module is used to analyze and share season stats. Season Stats requires registration ($15/year). Registered user can upload their game state to Season Stats module, share games and stats with other users, and print game and season reports. More about Season Stats
Run the demo version of season stats here: